Welcome to the New Year! This episode of RadioNuclear, we take a look at a lot of the exciting legislative and policy for advanced nuclear. This includes the recent passages of the NEIMA and NEICA bills, and what the Idaho National Laboratory may look like in the coming years. We also discuss the NRC’s recent decision on post Fukushima regulation. Lastly, we look on how you can adopt a dog from the Chernobyl exclusion zone. No, I am not making that up! Our interview this week is with ANS member Wesley Deason, who is a Nuclear Systems Engineer at Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation. He tells us a little bit more about nuclear in space applications, and about an upcoming topical conference, the Nuclear and Emerging Technology for Space (NETS) conference at Discovery Hall in Richland, WA.

Links to this week’s stories:

Music Credit: Pogo
Tracks Used (In order of appearance)
1.) Wings for Dreamers
2.) Give to You
3.) Soul Shine

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