Doug Hardtmayer

RNE19: Is Nuclear Built for Climate Change? Dr. Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar Guests!

Thank you for joining us for Episode 19 of RadioNuclear! In this episode, we discuss the success the Chinese have had with the Hualong One reactor, the decommissioning of SEFOR, and the sale of Indian Point units to Holtec and what it means for the industry. We also talk about a recent Bloomberg article casting nuclear as being susceptible to climate change.

Today’s guest is Dr. Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar, a professor at Idaho State University. Her research focuses on the nuclear fuel cycle, including pyroprocessing, qualification, and fuel cycle modeling. She is also involved with waste minimization efforts for graphite moderated next generation reactors. She also teaches introductory nuclear engineering and radioactive waste management courses at Idaho State University.

Information on ANS Student Program. What is it and will it help me get to this important meeting? Register for the meeting today and be sure to fit in a tour, too.

Learn more about the ANS Annual Meeting. And be sure to check out the new Supply Chain Special Session and workshop that will be happening at the meeting too!

Music Credit: Pogo
Tracks used (In order of appearance)
1.) Wings for Dreamers
2.) Grow Fonder
3.) Soul Shine
Please consider supporting his music!

RNE18: A Lifeline for Ohio’s Nuclear Power Plants? Alexandria Siwy, Dr. Kenneth Allen, and Dr. Shikha Prasad Guest!

Thank you for joining us on Episode 18 of RadioNuclear! This episode, we talk about new legislation in Ohio that may help save their ailing nuclear power plants, discuss the new bi-partisan federal legislation aimed at helping America regain its leadership with advanced nuclear, and some interesting new nuclear power plant construction around the world.

Today, we talk to members of the American Nuclear Society’s professional engineering committee, to discuss the merits of obtaining your PE. From this episode, they would like to share the following links:

1. Get more information about the PE exam.
2.  Find your state board – each state board has its own licensure application forms and deadlines.
3.  The nuclear PE exam is computer-based and administered one day per year (in 2019, October 15) at NCEES-approved Pearson VUE test centers.
4.  The NCEES PE Nuclear Reference Handbook is the only reference material that can be used during the exam and is provided electronically. You can download a free electronic copy by registering for or logging into your MyNCEES account.
5.  For more information on the format of the exam and the topics covered, download the current exam specifications for the nuclear PE exam (PDF).
6.  The American Nuclear Society offers a Study Guide for the Professional Engineering Examination In Nuclear Engineering to help you prepare for the exam and content.
7.  Special accommodations are available for examinees who meet certain eligibility criteria and sufficiently document their request.
8.  Learn more at the NCEES YouTube channel.


RNE19: RadioNuclear Episode 19: Is Nuclear Built for Climate Change? Dr. Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar Guests!


All music featured created by POGO. Songs used in order of appearance:

  2. Wizard of Meh
  3. Buh

RNE17: Is Japan Warming up to Nuclear? Ed McGinnis Guests [Part 2]!

Thank you for joining us on Episode 17 of RadioNuclear! In this episode, we discuss a fascinating new poll out of Japan, where a survey shows that residents are warming up to nuclear again. We also discuss the new loan guarantees for the Vogtle Construction project, and talk a bit about the historical decommissioning of the Sturgis floating nuclear reactor.

This episode’s guest is Ed McGinnis, the principal deputy assistant secretary for the Office of Nuclear Energy. The Office is responsible for conducting research on current and future nuclear energy systems, maintaining the government’s nuclear energy research infrastructure, establishing a path forward for the nation’s spent nuclear fuel and high-level nuclear waste management program, and a host of other national priorities.

RNE16: Nuclear Power: Our Cold Weather Workhorse – Ed McGinnis Guests (Part 1)

RNE18: A Lifeline for Ohio’s Nuclear Power Plants? Alexandria Siwy, Dr. Kenneth Allen, and Dr. Shikha Prasad Guest!

All music featured created by POGO. Songs used in order of appearance:

  1. Kaleidogorgon
  2. Grow Fonder
  3. Soul Shine

RNE16: Nuclear Power: Our Cold Weather Workhorse – Ed McGinnis Guests

Thank you for joining us on Episode 16 of RadioNuclear! In this episode, we discuss why most young people displaced by Fukushima do not want to return to the region. We also discuss why Lithuania wants Belarus to convert its already-under construction nuclear plant to natural gas as well as how Finland is one step closer to bringing Olkiluoto 3 online. Lastly, we discuss how recent cold weather in the State of Washington showcases nuclear power’s exceptional performance during extreme weather events.

Today’s guest is Ed McGinnis, the principal deputy assistant secretary for the Office of Nuclear Energy (NE). This is a two-part interview, so look for the second half on coming in a couple of weeks. 

NE is responsible for conducting research on current and future nuclear energy systems, maintaining the government’s nuclear energy research infrastructure, establishing a path forward for the nation’s spent nuclear fuel and high-level nuclear waste management program, and a host of other national priorities.

Enjoy episode 16!

RNE17: Nuclear Power: Our Cold Weather Workhorse – Ed McGinnis Guests (Part 2)

All music featured created by POGO. Songs used in order of appearance:

  1. Kaleidogorgon
  2. Grow Fonder
  3. Soul Shine

RNE15: The Importance of LWRs- Bob Carritte Guests!

Welcome back for another great episode of RadioNuclear! Today, I am happy to announce that RadioNuclear is now brought to you by the American Nuclear Society, in the hopes to bring you even more of the podcast you know and love! In this episode, we cover a range of news topics, including how anti-nuclear policy and perception are hurting the nuclear industry in the U.S. and South Korea. We also cover INL’s 70th year of operation, and talk about a great advocacy toolkit from the Department of Energy, the Ultimate Fast Facts Guide to Nuclear Energy.

Today’s guest is Bob Carritte, a principal officer at MPR Associates Inc. Mr. Carritte joined MPR in 1986 after completing his BSEE and BET degrees, with honors, from Northeastern University, and his ME degree in Electric Power Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.  With 30 years of engineering experience, he has worked a wide variety of challenging engineering projects involving system design and system analysis. He has participated in numerous design, procurement, and construction projects involving various systems and components, including entire power plants.

Music Credit: Pogo Tracks Used (in order of appearance)
1) Swashbuckle-Pogo
2) Buh- Pogo
3) Soul Shine- Pogo